graffiti, urban art, berlin, unityarts, paste up

graffiti, urban art, berlin, unityarts, paste up

Er ist wieder da: Käptn Spliff und seine Crew, erfolgreiche Freibeuter auf der Jagd nach goldenen Spliffs in internationalen Gewässern. Nach einem langen Urlaub an der Küste haben sie noch einmal ihre Reserven aufgefüllt. Leinen los! Käptn Spliff holt Sie an Deck und in die Spliff-Galerie.

Käptn Spliff weiß, was Spliffos für Spliff wollen. Er weiß, dass diese ruffen aber gutmütigen Abenteurer, harten Arbeiter und Vagabunden von Streetart leben. Ich liebe, immer den Geruch von Lack, Unkraut und nassen Hosen in meiner Nase. Aber mehr als das Rauschen der Brandung und Pochen der Motoren, lieben sie den Geruch des Käptn Spliff.

graffiti, urban art, berlin, unityarts, paste up

graffiti, urban art, berlin, unityarts, paste up

He’s back: Käptn Spliff and his crew, successful filibusters on the hunt for golden spliffs in international borders. After a long leave on shore they have, once again, the twisted planking under their feed. Cast off! Käptn Spliff invides you to spliff on deck and in the gallery, in the engine room and in front of the barring the way to the weed. But a spliff is rolled on deck and the first strokes of fresh smoke are blowing in the sails.

Käptn Spliff knows what spliffos want to spliff. He know that these rawlegged but good natured adventurers, hardworkers and vagabonds of I Love Streetart, always have the smell of lacquer, weed and wet pants in their noses, and their thought always in the next harbour and their hearts with their mary-jane, crack or meth. But more than the sound of the breakers and throb of the engines they love the smell of the Käptn’s spliff, which turns their rolling gait into happy dance steps: which should apply to all landlubbers as well!

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